Nutrition is one of the many sciences that never stop updating and we want to show you one of the latest most popular updates ?.

The Harvard plate is a tool that we use in nutrition to eat balanced portions without having to weigh food ?. The distribution of this dish ?? consists of 50% vegetables ?, 25% carbohydrates ? and 25% protein ?. It is a simple way to cover all our daily requirements.

You can do many combinations, for example:
1?? Stir-fried pumpkin and mushrooms with couscous and a can of tuna.
2?? Lentil stew with carrot, leek, zucchini and pepper.
3 ? ? Vegetable Menestra with a grilled egg.

??Yes, it is true that the majority of the population can use this tool, but there are certain cases (such as athletes or older people) that we need to adapt it a little.
Do you dare to try? ?.

#harvardplate #nutrition #humanperform #segovia